Add a Download link or button after filling the contact from 7 using jQuery in wordpress


1. Install "Contact From 7" WordPress plugin


1. Create a from Dashboard - > Contact from 7 - > Add New
2. Copy the Short-code example:

[contact-form-7 id="658" title="Contact Form"]

Note: Change the short-code with yours


1. Add Short-code to your page where you wanted to display your Contact from.
2. Inspect your page and you can find an div with id above the from which looks like

<div role="form" class="wpcf7" id="wpcf7-f656-o1" lang="en-US" dir="ltr">


1. Save the ID , we will  use it as jQuery selector.

Now here comes the script

Before adding this script check weather you have included the jQuery Library before your script

<script src=""></script>

// Ignore this if you have included the library.


$(document).ready(function() {

$downloadurl =  ""; 

// File to be downloaded
// you can add this url dynimcally if you have multiple forms in different pages using ACF plugin

$('#wpcf7-f656-o1').find('.wpcf7-submit').on("click", function(){ 

// on Click of Submit button
// #wpcf7-f656-o1 is my form id which we copied earlier, use your id here


$('.wpcf7-form').prepend("<a href="+$downloadurl+" class='download_link' target='_blank'>Download Pdf</a>");

$('.download_link').on("click", function(){

// To reload the page after downlading the file to reset the from for next download.


// Timeout for 2 seconds

