AngularJs 1 (vs) AngularJs 2

First thing to be clear is AngularJs 2is not an upgrade of Angular, it is completely different from Angular Js 1

Angular JS 1.X
Angular 2
Setting up application is very easy, need to just add the reference of angular.js Setting up application is quite complex, and it takes lot of work because it’s dependent on Gulp or Grunt.
Angular JS is not built with mobile support in mind. Whereas Angular2 was built for specially taking care of mobile support, so it’s mobile oriented.
Angular JS core concept was $scope, without scope we can’t communicate between views and controller. Angular2 is using Zone.js for detecting changes made in the DOM.
For communicating with views/templates it require controllers. It’s build with components.
Template Directives + controllers =    components
Performance is less when compared to angular2. Unidirectional tree based change detection increases its performance. As per ng-conf angular 2 is five times faster than angular1.
Angular1.X has ES5, ES6 and Dart Whereas angular2 has more choice, it can use any of the languages from ES5, ES6, and typescript/dart.
Ng-repeat is used for iterating through list of objects. Structural directives syntax is completely changed. Ng-repeat is replaced with *ngFor
Mostly built-in directives are used for events and element properties. Ex: ng-src, ng-href, ng-click etc. It directly uses the HTML DOM element properties. Ex: (click)
Ng-bind is used for one-way binding Whereas ng-bind is replaced with [property], where property is HTML DOM element property.
It has two ways to bootstrap the application, one is automatic bootstrapping (ng-app) and manual bootstrapping. It has only one way which is manual bootstrapping.
For routing it uses $routeProvider.when() It uses @RouteConfig {{…}}

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